Saturday, September 22, 2007

Summer review: let's start with fireweed

Fireweed is a ubiquitous plant in Alaska. That doesn't make it any less gorgeous. I mean, WOW. The flowers are kind of like popsicles in the lower 48; they perfectly embody summertime.

Here are some pictures that I took in early July on the Steese Highway, about 50 miles north of Fairbanks.

The plant digs disturbed areas, particularly burned ones which is how it got its name. Though the blossoms are so bright, they can make a hillside look alight. A large part of this area suffered forest fires about four years ago.

Here is a picture of Bob taking a nap in the sun. I think this is at Eagle Summit on the Steese. Kinda evokes the Sound of Music. Maybe a couple days after they started walking out of Austria. I seem to remember Eagle-sized mosquitoes on that afternoon, but they don't seem to bother him.

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