Well, this post ain't no modern novel, but here are some pictures from B. of some of the renovation we're doing...the 'before' picture and the 'in progress' pictures. What you are seeing is our 1970s log cabin being framed from the inside. Insulation and drywall yet to come. The kitchen was removed. Counters are being painted. Probably another two months before you see the 'after' pictures. I know they're only 2 x 6's, but I feel warmer already...
Well, the reason you haven't heard much out of B and I for a while is that we bought a house! It's a log cabin-style place with a lot of potential, but also needs a lot of work. Here you can see that we jacked up the house to level it and remove an old foundation. I'll let these pictures do the talking. Check out that GIANT wrench.